Meppad and its Vedik and tantric practice

Meppad , is well known in kerala for vedic/tantrik practice. They were scholars in Sanskrit ,and Astrology . Good Ayurveda physicians, Siddha practiioners and great teachers. Meppad was the oldested practitioners of tripura rahasya and kshatriya converted Shakta brahmins of parsurama shishya harita lineage who was later not much accepted because of the prathyaksha makara practice. Parasurama gave them the Mantrika rights to worship durga and pancha moorties as per kerala acharam. As per kakankovil krishan warrier a great astrologerfrom north kerala , Meppad was Purely tantric and they accepted shishyatwa of Ailem kulam mana in vaidika system. Because of this and their practice of Srividya , practice pipalada shaka of atharava and the odangara matrika sampradya of meppad they where final word in many case of shanti karma . For example a place in thayyil called kattil earlier where british people lived before independence had big disturbance of brahmarakshas and finally meppad was refered by one of famous illam and an astrologer. As Meppad gurukkal was brahmavidya upasaka he has done the tough task of avahana and pratista of this brahmarakshas by pleasing him . British family accepted him as guru and even after independence when they went back they used to send money , biscuts etc from Gt Britain to meppad. Many bramarakshas was given Shanti by Meppad Sampradya . The valley where the Meppad main house was bought back by nadanata and developed into Meppad madom. Meppad valley is down the Meppad kalari Temple which is one of the oldest tantrik temple which gives importance for feminine form of shakti with the practices of pancha makaras. Down the temple in the valley is meppad mutt established forThe practice of worshipping the beauty of three worlds ,phyisical, astral and causal or you can say matter ,energy and thought is called tripurasundri sadhana or Srividya sadhana which gives you both worldy plessure and Liberation. Srichakra puja is the worship of feminine form shakti and masculine formless shiva together which is called shiva shakti samaradhana . She is the beauty derived from the light of consiousnes para. she is the same also lalitha one who plays, play of divine mother. she is the goddess of srichakra , great mandala of energy pattern or super yantra which represents entires universe and ultimate bliss.